Bio-Psycho-Socio-Sexual impact of pornography use in adolescents: challenges and opportunities
Bio-psycho-socio-sexual impact of pornography use in adolescents: challenges and opportunities
Pornografía, Adolescencia, Internet, Tecnología, Sexualidad, EducaciónAbstract
This article explores the bio-psycho-socio-sexual impact of pornography on adolescents, a phenomenon that has become increasingly prevalent due to early internet access and the lack of affective-sexual education in homes and schools. Using a comprehensive review of recent studies, it examines biological consequences, such as neurocognitive alterations that affect impulse control; psychological effects, including self-esteem and emotional regulation issues; social aspects, where consumption may be associated with greater isolation and loneliness; and sexual impacts, highlighting an increase in risky sexual behaviors and distorted perceptions of sexuality. Methodologically, it gathers data on the prevalence and consumption patterns among Spanish adolescents. Among its limitations, the article notes the lack of longitudinal studies to observe long-term effects. This study contributes to the scientific literature by emphasizing the need for preventive educational policies, as well as clinical and family intervention strategies that encourage critical thinking and open dialogue on pornography consumption. Additionally, practical tools are proposed to improve intervention and affective-sexual education from a comprehensive perspective.Downloads
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