Parental mediation perceived by minors regarding the use of the Internet, social networks and mobile devices
Parental mediation perceived by minors regarding the use of Internet, social networks and mobile devices
Internet, Minors, Mobile devices, parental mediation, Social networksAbstract
Currently, we are permanently navigating a world of screens, and electronic devices have an undeniable presence in the daily lives of everyone, particularly among the younger population. Given the importance of the family as the primary social institution in which any human develops, this study, the result of a doctoral thesis, shows the management strategies that families employ regarding devices from the perspective of minors. The methodology used is quantitative and descriptive, utilizing a questionnaire as a data collection instrument, based on the EU Kids Online survey (2017) and applied to 277 students in the final years of Primary Education. The results show that minors predominantly use video game consoles, tablets, television, and mobile phones. Internet usage is more pronounced on weekends, prompting us to reconsider the type of leisure activities that schoolchildren engage in. Additionally, active mediation by parents in online activities is a relevant aspect, although supervision does not reach considerable levels. Reverse mediation is also highlighted as a common practice, while restrictive mediation presents inconsistencies in the discourse of minors. In conclusion, it is necessary to rethink parental practices related to the management of electronic devices at home.
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