Instructions for reviewers
Refereeing system - External peer review and anonymous.
Once the Directorate of the journal Cuadernos del Audiovisual | CAA has verified that the article complies with the rules regarding style and content indicated in the guidelines for authors, the article will be sent to two anonymous expert reviewers outside the Editorial Board, within the specific field of architectural research and criticism, according to the double-blind model.
The evaluation will focus on the interest of the article, its contribution to the knowledge of the subject, the novelties contributed, the correct relationships established, the critical judgment developed, the bibliographical references used, its correct writing, etc., indicating recommendations, if any, for its possible improvement.
Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the journal's management will communicate the reasoned result of the evaluation to the authors by e-mail, at the address they have used to send the article. The main author will be informed of the result of the review (publishable; not publishable; publishable with major modifications; publishable with minor modifications), as well as the reviewers' observations and comments.
If the manuscript has been accepted with modifications, the authors must resubmit a new version of the article, taking into account the requests and suggestions of the external evaluators. Articles with important corrections may be sent to the Editorial Board to verify the validity of the modifications made by the author. The decision will be communicated to the author by the journal's management.
The evaluation will focus on the interest of the article, its contribution to the knowledge of the subject dealt with, the novelties provided, the correct relationships established, the critical judgment developed, the bibliographical references used, its correct writing, etc., indicating recommendations, if any, for possible improvement. Please be specific in your comments and evaluations.
Cuadernos del Audiovisual | CAA guarantees a rigorous and transparent anonymous peer review system through an International Council of Reviewers (CIR) of researchers from various countries, specialized in media and audiovisual regulation. A model is implemented with a strict and demanding process in which each article is subjected to a minimum of two blind reviews by experts in the subject, excluding inbreeding and always tending to the dissemination of original knowledge with international projection.
The scientific rigor of the texts will be added to an editorial neatness based on the work of reviewers, a stylistic department, a professional layout and the adaptation to different online editing formats (xml, pdf and html). The journal will offer a serious and rigorous editorial process, accessible on the web and transparent for authors throughout the process, explained in detail with downloadable documents: regulations, pre-submission check, submission format, citation rules, standardization of author credits and emails, submission manual, cover letter, review protocol...