Reflections on the impact of pornography on the sexuality of adolescent boys and girls




adolescents, pornography, sexuality


The main objective of this work is to show how pornography is not a tool for sexual education and, secondly, to offer lines of action in the psychoeducational field, both in the family and school context. To this end, the text is organized around nine key points related to sexuality and, in particular, sexuality in adolescence. Each point presents information on three relevant aspects. First of all, an idea stands out that has to do with the content of healthy sexuality, which contributes to the well-being of the person. Secondly, how this content is treated in pornography will be analyzed. And, thirdly, a reflection will be made about the impact that this pornographic treatment of the topic may have on the sexuality of adolescents. Finally, the above will give rise to emphasizing that it is urgent to have the necessary institutional support so that, both from the family and school contexts, this issue is addressed, introducing in the second case the contents of sexual education into the school curriculum.


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Author Biography

Inmaculada Sánchez-Queija, University of Seville (Spain)

Dr. Sánchez-Queija works on Positive Adolescent Health ( and Positive Emerging Adulthood Health ( Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948). The main focus of our research team is mental and social well-being.


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How to Cite

Moreno, C., Leal-López, E., & Sánchez-Queija, I. (2024). Reflections on the impact of pornography on the sexuality of adolescent boys and girls. Cuadernos Del Audiovisual | CAA, (11), 49–72.