Consequences of the use of social networks in native consumers. Review of elements of interaction through digital advertising and educommunication as a solution
Consequences of the use of social networks in native consumers. Review of elements of interaction through digital advertising and educommunication as a solution
Advertising, Children, Consumption, Digital, Educomunication, MediaAbstract
Underage consumers (children and/or adolescents between the ages of 2 and 19 - as defined by the World Health Organization, WHO, year) frequently use digital platforms and mass media. They do so for different purposes, from building their identity to developing social relationships and learning.
This article identifies the elements that drive children's interaction with digital media and outlines some of the consequences of being a digital native at the level of educommunication. To do so, the qualitative methodology is based on interviews with children and their parents. The results show that the main components are the so-called FoMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and the inclusive social experience or standing out socially. Issues such as the multiplicity of media and devices, excessive use without guidelines and self-regulation by the actors are also observed. Thus, with this article, we contribute to the theory and practice of media consumption, developing a research framework where theories of self-identity and social identity help to explain the factors that drive minors' participation in digital media.
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