Evaluation process and refereeing system
Cuadernos del Audiovisual | CAA uses the peer review system in order to achieve its indexing in databases and promote the dissemination of published works and, therefore, of their authors and work centers.
Once the article has been received from the editorial department, a first review is carried out to verify that it complies with the publication standards. This first review takes into account the appropriateness of the subject matter and scope of the journal, the interest of the proposal and the full compliance with the publication standards.
All texts that meet these criteria are reviewed by the anonymous “double-blind peer review” system, which preserves the anonymity of the authors and reviewers throughout the process. The review report, which is completed anonymously by the external reviewers, is available at this link: Review Report
The article management and review process is carried out with the Open Journal System (OJS) software, which guarantees the automated and auditable electronic registration of interactions. It is a transparent process that allows for the improvement of texts when publication is feasible.
The reviewers will judge the interest of the articles submitted and may make any suggestions they deem appropriate to improve the work. The options are Publishable, Not publishable, Publishable with major modifications and Publishable with minor modifications. In case of disagreement between two reviewers, it is sent to a third party.
Review process: thirty days from the reception of the manuscript in the review platform and a maximum of one hundred days from the beginning of the scientific review process.