Levels of awareness and parenting styles regarding access and consumption of pornography in childhood and adolescence





access to pornography, pornography use, affective and sexual education, parenting styles, pornography, family socialization


The new pornography distributed on the Internet represents a considerable challenge for families. The study of the perception of access and consumption for their children, as well as the levels of awareness about the consequences, is an essential issue for the improvement of socialization processes. Along with these issues, we consider how they are facing them, from the perspective of family dynamics, that is, with what parenting styles fathers and mothers relate to their sons and daughters.

To find out about these issues, a survey was carried out in the Balearic Islands in the second half of 2022, obtaining a very high participation, finally having a sample of 2,592 families. One of the limitations is the unequal participation of fathers and mothers, with the latter being the ones who have participated in a majority way.

The results show that the level of awareness of their children’s access and consumption is quite low, although awareness of the consequences and recognition of the need for education in emotions, affections and sexuality, for children and adolescents, as well as for the families themselves, are very high.

The study represents the first sociological analysis, with a representative sample of families, that provides guidance on the current situation of family dynamics in relation to the socialization processes mediated by pornography.


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How to Cite

Ballester Brage, L., Sedano Colom, S., Lorente-De-Sanz , J., & Aznar-Martínez B. (2024). Levels of awareness and parenting styles regarding access and consumption of pornography in childhood and adolescence. Cuadernos Del Audiovisual | CAA, (11), 73–104. https://doi.org/10.62269/cavcaa.12